The Blaze

As the Super Bowl looms over New York City, an old accusation is once again looming over Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll: It’s rumored he’s a 9/11 truther.


In June, Deadspin ran an article — republishing it last week — detailing a meeting Carroll had with recently retired four-star Army General Peter Chiarelli. The conversation, which reportedly started off friendly, escalated when the topic switched to Iraq.


“So did the discussion last year turn hostile? A source close to Chiarelli, one who wasn’t present when he spoke to Carroll, told us that it did,” Deadspin reported. “He said the general had to leave the room because Carroll had rankled him so thoroughly.”


According to Deadspin, the Seahawks coach grilled the retired general over the legitimacy of the official 9/11 story.


“In particular, Carroll wanted to know whether the attack on the Pentagon had really happened. Chiarelli—who was the top-ranking Army official inside the Pentagon when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into its western side—explained that it had,” the June report said. “He said he had lost many colleagues. But Carroll didn’t stop there. He ran through the whole 9/11 truther litany.”